Infleqtion Builds UK’s Quantum Advantage: Delivering Practical Solutions with a World-Leading Quantum Computer

Industry / Press Release February 7, 2024

OXFORD, England, February 5, 2024 -- Infleqtion, the world's leading quantum information company, is pleased to announce it has been awarded a contract to develop and deliver a cutting-edge neutral atom quantum computing testbed for the National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC). The Quantum Computing SBRI program, supported by Innovate UK, aims to deploy seven quantum computing testbeds at the NQCC by March 2025.

Infleqtion will partner with QinetiQ and Oxfordshire County Council to build a large-scale universal gate-based quantum computer based on neutral atoms with a compelling pathway to logical qubit operations for UK researchers to explore the near-term use cases for quantum computing. By applying quantum optimisation to address challenges such as Oxfordshire's traffic issues, the project aims to have a significant impact nationwide, particularly in national security and defence, as well as regionally.

"The NQCC win marks a significant achievement for Infleqtion and validates the strength of our neutral atom quantum computing platform. This exciting collaboration will showcase the true potential of our technology,” said Scott Faris, Infleqtion CEO. “Infleqtion's platform sets us apart in delivering unparalleled scalability that paves the way for the future of quantum computing."

Congratulating the testbed competition winners, Dr Michael Cuthbert, NQCC's Director, commented, "Once built, these system-level prototypes will help the NQCC and its collaborators to understand the unique characteristics of different hardware approaches, establish appropriate metrics for each qubit architecture, and explore the types of applications that benefit most from each technological approach. That will feed directly into the NQCC's ongoing engagement with organisations across academia, industry, and government to develop use cases for early-stage quantum computers, and to identify the innovations that will be needed to accelerate the development and adoption of this transformative technology.”

The NQCC aims to accelerate the development of the UK's quantum computing capabilities and infrastructure. Over the next 14 months, quantum computing testbeds will be installed at Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire to accelerate innovation, foster industry adoption, and facilitate research on application development.

Infleqtion is leading the way in bringing quantum technology to the commercial forefront. The company is dedicated to establishing a robust foundation for sustained growth throughout the quantum supply chain, manufacturing processes, and customer experience. Notably, Infleqtion has recently reached several significant milestones in products and partnerships, including the acquisitions of two integrated silicon photonics companies, SiNoptiq Inc. and Morton Photonics Inc., the selection of the company's neutral atom platform in Japan's Quantum Moonshot program, the introduction of Oqtant – the world's first quantum matter service, and the desqtopMOT, and more.