Bluefors Announces Major Advances in Cryogenic Measurement Systems With New Enhanced Cooling, High-Density Flex Wiring Products

Business / Press Release March 18, 2025

HELSINKI, Finland, March 17, 2025 -- At the APS Global Physics Summit in Anaheim, California, Bluefors today announced a triad of significant advances for their cryogenic measurement systems, bringing more cooling power and scalability improvements for complex quantum computing applications.

Quantum computers rely on the ultra-low temperature environments provided by Bluefors’ industry-leading dilution refrigerators. For their operation, they also require wiring lines to carry signals between room temperature control electronics and the quantum chips operating inside the dilution refrigerator at temperatures close to absolute zero. As the number of qubits in quantum computers increases, so do the wiring requirements, and any increase in wiring infrastructure brings with it an increase in thermal load (heat), and a consequent need for additional cooling power.

Today, Bluefors has launched an enhanced cooling solution that optimizes the integration of their Cryomech range of pulse tube cryocoolers – essential components in the initial stages of cooling – into Bluefors LD and XLD cryogenic measurement systems to deliver significantly greater cooling power to their systems.

Bluefors Announces Major Advances in Cryogenic Measurement Systems With New Enhanced Cooling, High-Density Flex Wiring Products

Achieved through a collaboration between their R&D teams in Helsinki, Finland and Syracuse, New York, the redesigned integration results in a significant increase in cooling power at a system’s 4K flange, doubling the amount of cooling power at 3 K. The solution also allows elevated 4K flange temperatures during normal operation up to 5 K, delivering up to three times more cooling power.

By increasing cooling power, Bluefors dilution refrigerators can now be equipped with more wiring, more active electronics, larger experimental setups, and deliver colder temperatures for superconducting magnets. The enhancements made to the pulse tube integration also enable better low-vibration performance and decrease the cooldown time of their systems.

To complement the additional cooling power, Bluefors is also presenting a new, cost-effective, high-density wiring platform utilizing flexible printed circuit (FPC) technology to provide greater wiring capacity for their side-loading systems. The all-new High-Density Flex Wiring (FPC) offers up to 240 channels per side-loading port, delivering denser signal lines with reduced thermal load.

High-Density Flex Wiring is ideal for drive lines for high qubit counts in both superconducting and spin qubit systems. The new platform utilizes the side-loading features of Bluefors XLD and LD cryostats, and can be preassembled before installation. The design includes all the necessary components from the room temperature control electronics to the experimental flange, and enables the scaling-up of wiring for quantum computing applications.

Finally, the company also introduced a new LD System with side-loading ports – the LD400sl – that takes advantage of both the new enhanced cooling integration and High-Density Flex Wiring (FPC). The LD400sl System matches the performance of standard LD400 Systems, adding 2 side-loading ports to enable the simple and convenient installation of their measurement infrastructure modules.

Bluefors’ side-loading measurement infrastructure modules are 100% compatible across LD and XLD systems, making the LD400sl the ultimate testing system for scaling up experiments from an LD to larger systems.

The LD400sl System is available immediately. The side-loading configuration is also available for the recently announced Ultra-Compact LD System.

Bluefors’ Chief Technology Officer, Dr. David Gunnarsson, summarized today’s announcements: “By delivering more cooling power alongside a new high-density wiring solution and new side-loading configuration of our LD System, Bluefors proudly shows its commitment to continually developing and releasing advanced solutions for quantum technology applications.”