Bluefors Opens Lab Facility in Chicago, Brings Bluefors Lab to the US

Business / Press Release February 28, 2025

February 25, 2025 -- Bluefors, the world leading manufacturer of cryogenic measurement systems for quantum technology, today announced the opening of a new lab facility in Chicago. The facility will be used to provide the Bluefors Lab service, bringing the service into the United States for the first time. Bluefors Lab provides startups, research groups, and other organizations easy and convenient access to a cryogenic measurement system with a service-based model.

Quantum technology development often requires access to cryogenic measurement systems capable of providing sustained millikelvin temperatures (close to absolute zero). The service enables customers working with quantum technology to test hardware and software solutions without the need to invest in a complete system of their own. With the service, Bluefors is responsible for operating the cryogenic measurement system, and the customers receive consultation and support with their experiments from Bluefors experts.

Announced in March 2023, the first Bluefors Lab was opened in Delft, Netherlands, and later expanded to add a second cryogenic measurement system. Customers have utilized the Delft Lab to carry out R&D and develop quantum computing solutions, praising the flexible opportunities it provides to run experiments in a well-maintained lab facility.

The equipment provided at the Chicago facility includes a Bluefors LD400 dilution refrigerator with optical access to the experimental space. The system is equipped with wiring and cryogenic electronics, and a cryogen-free superconducting 3D vector magnet. The service also includes access to Quantum Machines’ OPX 1000 hybrid control electronics with modules for five-qubit measurements. Additional measurement electronics and infrastructure can be added to the setup by lab users.

Lab users will have the opportunity to utilize QuantumEDGE software from QuantrolOx as an add-on service. QuantrolOx has been carrying out research and development at Bluefors Lab in Delft for multiple years, developing their QuantumEDGE software. The company recently announced, that they had achieved fully-automated quantum processing unit (QPU) characterization and tune-up with their software, creating a 2-qubit CZ gate in under 25 minutes.

“The opening of our Chicago lab marks a significant milestone for Bluefors, expanding our innovative Lab-as-a-service concept into a global network that brings together promising innovators in cryogenics and quantum technology. This new hub will help foster groundbreaking advancements in the US and around the world. By broadening our lab offering, we not only enhance our global service offering, but also accelerate learning and continuous developments in the quantum space,” said Anssi Salmela, Chief Technical Operations Officer at Bluefors.