IBM Quantum Hosts Applied Physics and Computer Science Students

Industry / Press Release December 6, 2024

December 03, 2024 -- IBM Quantum hosted over thirty applied physics and computer science students to experience first hand the IBM Quantum Think Lab and learn about the latest System Two quantum computer at the IBM Yorktown Research Center. The visit to IBM Quantum was part of this semester's Applied Physics Undergraduate Seminar and included students from Professor Henry Yuen's "Introduction to Quantum Computing" class.

The theme for this year's Applied Physics Undergraduate Seminar is Quantum Science and Technology. Building upon next year's "International Year of Quantum Science and Technology” and the broad student interest in Columbia Quantum Initiative, our students have heard from leading experts in quantum science, both inside Columbia University and outside, who have shared their latest research advancing the science and application of quantum computing and quantum technology.

Students visiting IBM Yorktown were greeted by Dr. George Tulevski (Senior Manager, Think Lab), Bradely Holt (Program Director, Workforce Development Partnerships), Brian Ingmanson (North America Lead, Workforce and Community), and Dr. Oliva Lanes (Global Lead, Quantum Advocacy and Education). Columbia students learned first hand about IBM Research strategy, progress and plans for IBM quantum computing, component breakdown, design, and operation of quantum computers, opportunities for student engagement with IBM quantum users, and open-source learning modules for motivated students.

This student tour highlights the role of Columbia University's Quantum Initiative. Professors Aravind Devarakonda and Henry Yuen presented to the IBM audience overviews of Columbia's quantum technology research and Columbia's educational programs in quantum computing, including the newly formed Masters of Science in Quantum Science and Technology.