Terranova Defense and Quantum Emotion Forge A Global Cybersecurity Commercial Partnership

Business / Press Release August 30, 2024

Montreal, August 27, 2024 – Terranova Defense Solution Incorporated (TDS) and Quantum eMotion Corp. (QeM) are excited to announce a groundbreaking partnership aimed at accelerating the commercialization of advanced cybersecurity solutions and key products.

This strategic alliance designates QeM as the exclusive provider of state-of-the-art quantum entropy generators, post-quantum cryptography, and cloud-based security solutions to TDS, marking a significant advancement in the cybersecurity field.

Quantum eMotion is at the forefront of developing revolutionary quantum-based security solutions, offering a beacon of hope in the fight against the modern world’s increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Through this partnership, QeM’s cutting-edge technology will become a cornerstone of TDS’s comprehensive security solutions, designed to tackle the challenges of today’s digital age head-on.

Francis Bellido, CEO of QeM, expressed, "We are thrilled to collaborate with Terranova Defense Solutions, leveraging their extensive international network within the cybersecurity sector. The timing of this partnership aligns perfectly with NIST's recent release of recommended quantum-safe algorithms, signaling a pivotal moment for the cybersecurity industry. This development is poised to catalyze market adoption, and QeM is exceptionally well-positioned to capitalize on it with our advanced Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG) and post-quantum encryption technologies."

James Castle, CEO, CSO &Founder of Terranova Defense Solutions, added, "We are excited to embark on this partnership with QeM, aimed at expanding the security products and solutions offered by both companies. By integrating Quantum Random NumberGenerators and Quantum-Safe Encryptions, we are strengthening the cybersecurity framework within the Terranova Defense Group of Companies, offering these advanced solutions exclusively to our global clients. As awareness of the quantum threat grows, we are witnessing a genuine surge in demand for quantum-based security solutions."