B.C. Provincial Government Officials Tour D-Wave’s Quantum Engineering Center of Excellence

Industry / Press Release June 27, 2024

June 26, 2024 –- D-Wave Quantum Inc. (“D-Wave” or the “Company”), a leader in quantum computing systems, software, and services, and the world’s first commercial supplier of quantum computers, announced that Jagrup Brar, B.C. Minister of State for Trade and MLA for Surrey-Fleetwood, and Janet Routledge, B.C. Parliamentary Secretary for Labour and MLA for Burnaby North, toured the company’s Burnaby-based Quantum Engineering Center of Excellence yesterday. The visit was intended to help inform the B.C. government officials about D-Wave’s latest quantum computing product developments and efforts to spur quantum adoption around the world.

Aligned with the visit, D-Wave and the Quantum Algorithm Institute (QAI) announced the expansion of a training program designed to give Canadian students and researchers at post-secondary institutions access to the LeapTMquantum cloud service to facilitate application development. QAI discussed the importance of the expanded quantum training program, which has already shown great success in creating a quantum-ready workforce. To date, students have already submitted nearly 5000 problems to the Leap quantum cloud service.

“We are honoured to have Minister Brar and Parliamentary Secretary Routledge tour our lab to learn more about the incredible innovations coming from our Burnaby office,” said Trevor Lanting, chief development officer at D-Wave. “We believe that D-Wave is leading the quantum industry globally on technical, scientific, and commercial advancements, helping organisations solve complex problems, many of which are also faced by the province. We are also steadfast in our commitment to train the workforce of the future, and our relationship with QAI provides students access to needed training.”

“D-Wave is a B.C. innovation success story, and globally is a driving force in the advancement of quantum technology and its potential uses,” said Minister Brar. “We look forward to seeing D-Wave’s quantum technology applied to help solve British Columbia’s most pressing challenges. Our ambitious efforts to build new trade relationships and promote our high-tech sectors are aimed at bringing made-in-B.C. technologies like those from D-Wave to markets around the world.”

“D-Wave continues to be a leader in quantum technology, and we are proud to see this innovation coming out of Burnaby North,” said Parliamentary Secretary Routledge. “D-Wave has been creating jobs and opportunity within the province for more than two decades, and its leadership in providing global quantum solutions is a testament to the innovation economy we have here in British Columbia.”

“Through the QAI and D-Wave training program, we have already been able to provide training to students and researchers from more than 20 post-secondary institutions across Canada,” said Kelly Best, Vice President of Operations & External Relations of the Quantum Algorithms Institute. “This helps Canadians apply new skill sets in quantum technologies to challenges across industries, and the expanded relationship will provide additional training opportunities and deeper workforce development.”