When Quantum Computing Meets the Real World

Technology / Press Release February 25, 2025

February 25, 2025 -- A century ago, the theoretical foundations of quantum mechanics were established. In the 80’s, scientists came to the realization that quantum mechanics was not only an accurate description of natural phenomena, but it could also lead to revolutionary technological developments, the most exciting of which is quantum computing. Taking advantage of inherently quantum phenomena such as superposition (property that allows quantum systems acting as if they were in multiple states at the same time until they are measured) and entanglement (property that allows the exchange of quantum information between two particles at a distance), quantum computers could solve computational problems that classical computers cannot. This advantage enables the development of new algorithms to tackle problems that would otherwise remain inscrutable.

Quantum computing is still at its dawn, and there are many challenges yet to be solved before it becomes practical. One of the main areas of research aims at designing new quantum devices or improving existing ones, to enhance the performance and the size of quantum computers. Scientists also seek to mitigate and correct quantum errors, because they prevent the system retaining its quantum properties, disrupting how quantum computers work and making them impractical. Another area of focus is the creation of new quantum algorithms that can solve “real-world” problems.

EPFL researchers are already targeting some real-world problems with pioneering projects to develop quantum computing applications that address the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “All of the use cases on which we work apply methods and tools of quantum computing to environment, food, transportation, energy, and medicine in developing countries,” explains Vincenzo Savona, Associate Professor at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of Nanosystems (LTPN) and Academic Director of the EPFL Center for Quantum Science and Engineering (QSE).

These use cases represent a collaborative effort that brings academia, private companies, and policymakers together.

Quantum advantages with specific goals

Although we are still far from a full deployment of quantum systems, quantum computing capabilities are potentially advantageous in specific areas. As the physicist Richard Feynman proposed back in the 1980s, the simulation of quantum mechanical systems could be one of the most impactful applications.

“With quantum computers, we could simulate atoms, molecules, and materials, providing a more accurate description of the properties of matter,” Savona explains. For example, a deeper understanding of the electronic structure of matter can assist in the development of new molecules with applications in medicine and biology.

The optimization of complex problems is another area where quantum computers could have a significant advantage, particularly in areas related to the environment, industry, logistics, transportation, and the supply chain. For instance, they could help find the most efficient route for delivery trucks between two points, reducing fuel consumption and emissions. Quantum computers could also allow a better allocation of medical resources in the healthcare system or help efficiently distribute energy through power grids. Another practical example is the optimization of the structure of materials, leading to improved properties such as strength and conductivity. “These are problems that in general, classical computers cannot address efficiently,” says Savona.

Quantum computing also opens up promising outlooks when combined with other technologies such as AI. Quantum systems, with their unparalleled ability to handle complex computations, can empower AI to tackle problems currently out of reach for classical computers. They can be used to train neural networks more efficiently, giving birth to the burgeoning field of quantum machine learning. In turn, AI and machine learning are used to simulate the properties of complex quantum systems. The connection between quantum computing and AI represents the future paradigm of advanced computing.

Addressing concrete SDGs with quantum computing

“The SDGs encompass many objectives already central to our work in health, education, innovation, and environmental sustainability, among others,” explains Marcel Salathé, Academic co-director of the EPFL AI Center. “Thanks to EPFL’s expertise in AI and quantum sciences, we are directly supporting NGOs and international organisations, helping them achieve their goals.”

Through the QSE Center’s partnership with the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) and the CERN-hosted Open Quantum Institute (OQI), EPFL researchers are exploring how quantum technologies could address specific problems that affect developing countries and that are highly relevant to SDGs.

Devis Tuia, Associate Professor of Environmental Computational Science and Earth Observation Laboratory at the EPFL, uses machine learning and develops tools to understand the environment. While quantum technologies can help solve real issues, he stresses that the involvement of local population is fundamental. “We need to co-develop technologies in collaboration with local scientists and allow them to own their data and workflows,” says the researcher. “You would be surprised at how much the local governments support these initiatives when they see we can introduce a solution that can improve their lives,” adds Savona.

One of the use cases led by Savona consists of exploring and optimising the autonomous production of food in some regions of South Africa in line with Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger (link). This use case involves the potential to use quantum computing to calculate very precisely the amount and type of crops needed in a large network where there are many producers and that is managed by different authorities. “This is a large multi-objective optimisation problem, which is typically computationally hard for classical computers. Our hope is to take advantage of quantum computers to help in solving these problems,” Savona says.

Framing these use cases and raising awareness about them is already beneficial. “If the conclusion is that quantum computers are not suitable for that particular problem, that's actually an important output because we helped identify the problem as well as its challenges and barriers,” says Savona.

Creating a dialogue for the common good

Academia plays an essential role in fundamental research in quantum computing. However, due to the significant economic investment required, private companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google or IBM carry out a substantial fraction of the research and development in this area. “There are always things we learn from both sides,” Savona says. “For example, in academia, we challenge some of the methods and tools companies use.”

“Finding ways to exploit the synergies between academia and private institutions is key to ensuring sustainable technological development,” adds Philippe Caroff, Executive Director of the QSE Center. Caroff is also collaborating with the Open Quantum Institute and GESDA in areas that align with EPFL’s mission in education and help advance awareness about quantum science.

At EPFL, researchers from the QSE Center are also planning to develop a virtual platform for making quantum computing accessible to all researchers, regardless of their geographical location. This quantum computing capability could be crucial for quantum algorithm development and testing, and will benefit both research and education at EPFL. “The economic development is possible thanks to our technology transfer and to our spin-offs, and it is already benefiting both local and global industries,” says Caroff.

At the same time, education is key to ensuring people’s knowledge and understanding of emerging technologies. With this goal, EPFL is developing the principles of computational thinking among its students. “I think we need to do the same with quantum mechanics and quantum computing,” says Savona. The Master’s students in Quantum Science and Engineering at EPFL now also benefit from the first course on sustainable development in the curriculum.

To increase public awareness of the importance of quantum science and its applications, UNESCO proclaimed 2025 the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. “All progress of humankind has been a result of collective effort. This is an intellectual quest only possible by making the technology accessible to as many people as possible,” concludes Savona.