Q-CTRL Integrates Fire Opal with Four Leading Quantum Computing Hardware Platforms to Deliver Unprecedented Capabilities to End Users

Business / Press Release September 11, 2024

September 10, 2024 -– Q-CTRL, the global leader in quantum infrastructure software, today announced that its performance-management software, Fire Opal, will be natively integrated into four of the world's most advanced quantum computing platforms — IBM Quantum services, Rigetti Quantum Cloud Services (QCS), Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC) Cloud QCaaS devices, and Diraq’s Silicon quantum processors.

These latest integrations demonstrate Q-CTRL's ubiquity and industry leadership, backed by an unrivaled validated track record of its technology across diverse types of quantum computers. Building on the company’s integration with IBM Quantum services in December 2023, Q-CTRL has become a key partner in the sector’s focus on delivering commercial value to end users.

Q-CTRL’s performance-management software, Fire Opal, improves the usability and capability of quantum computing by minimizing errors and abstracting the details of how to operate hardware for peak performance. Errors in quantum computers constitute the biggest bottleneck in the technology’s advancement today. Managing these errors consumes a significant amount of time for hardware vendors and end users seeking to achieve meaningful results on the path to quantum advantage.

Vendors natively integrating Q-CTRL's AI-driven software solutions stand out in a competitive market by delivering the best user experience and performance through a simple, fully automated solution. This enables quantum developers and algorithm researchers to dramatically increase the rate of innovation and demonstrate the value and utility of their latest advancements in quantum applications. Q-CTRL’s native performance management delivers more value for users with fully integrated performance management for quantum computing platforms.

Application-oriented benchmarking shows that Fire Opal delivers massive improvements across any algorithm, including challenging but essential modules such as the Quantum Fourier Transform, Grover’s Search, and the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm.

Recently published results leveraging Q-CTRL’s performance-management integration with IBM quantum hardware show that end users are setting new world records in Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Phase Estimation for quantum chemistry using Fire Opal.

Given the modest scale of quantum computers today, Fire Opal enables efficient and hardware-agnostic error-suppression technology that reduces the likelihood that errors occur in quantum computer hardware and delivers real value to application developers. Q-CTRL’s latest innovations in efficient Quantum Error Correction position its technology to be a permanent part of the quantum stack as system sizes scale.

“At Q-CTRL we’ve had a single-minded focus on how infrastructure software can help deliver the best possible performance from quantum hardware,” said Q-CTRL CEO and Founder Michael J. Biercuk. “The first time we saw over a factor of a thousand improvement on a commercial quantum computer we knew this could change the direction of the industry. Now we’re thrilled that through new partnerships with some of the world’s leading quantum computing hardware vendors, we can seamlessly deliver real value to an increasing range of users. These partnerships have been built over the long-term through trusted relationships and real demonstrations of what’s possible, and they’re built to last.”