Aalto University receives OrangeQS Rack for OpenSuperQPlus project

Industry / Press Release August 25, 2024

August 23, 2024 -- BOrangeQS delivered an OrangeQS Rack to Aalto University, as part of their few-qubit OpenSuperQPlus test bench. This test bench is operated by the Quantum Computing and Devices group of prof. Mikko Möttönen. The OrangeQS Racks are a component of our OrangeQS R&D Systems, but can be delivered separately, to complement the existing cryogenic R&D setup of a lab. The delivery team tested the installed quantum chip up to coherence times in less than two days after delivery, including a day of hardware assembly. This meant there was time left for a demonstration of our Superconducting Qubit Tools, a library of test protocols, and GRACE, a Graph-based Automated Calibration Execution, both part of our OrangeQS Racks.

Aalto University receives OrangeQS Rack for OpenSuperQPlus project

The OpenSuperQPlus project is the largest and most ambitious European collaborative project in building 100-qubit quantum computers. This project involves 28 partners from 10 countries. OrangeQS supports its partners with setting up test benches for QPUs by providing OrangeQS Racks for qubit diagnostics. These test benches allow our partners to gain experience in operating few-qubit systems, as a step towards the 100-qubit demonstrators.

A key requirement for this OrangeQS Rack was a Quantify back-end for hardware by OpenSuperQPlus partner Zurich Instruments. Next up is a delivery of a similar OrangeQS Rack to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, who will also host an OpenSuperQPlus test bench for QPU characterization.