Kipu Quantum Acquires Quantum Computing Platform Built by Anaqor AG

Business / Press Release July 12, 2024

Karlsruhe, July 11, 2024 – Kipu Quantum, the worldwide leading quantum software company, announced today the strategic acquisition of PlanQK, the German quantum computing platform successfully built and commercialized by Anaqor AG. Along with its platform, key members of its team of experts joined Kipu Quantum to lead the way in making useful quantum computing accessible to organizations of all sizes, including industrial, academic, and governmental ones. This shrewd move follows Kipu Quantum’s successful €11.4 million second closing of the seed funding round led by HV Capital and DTCF in late 2023.

The well-established and industry-recognized PlanQK platform with a constantly growing quantum ecosystem of more than 100 organizations enhances accessibility to quantum computing across various sectors, serving a broad range of users from leading companies such as BASF, DB Systel GmbH, T-LABS and TRUMPF.

The acquisition will drastically accelerate the commercialization of Kipu’s application- and hardware-specific algorithms, as services through the PlanQK platform, enabling frictionless access for organizations to integrate quantum solutions into their existing processes.

Combining their strengths, Kipu Quantum and the PlanQK team are set to greatly enhance quantum computing accessibility across various industries, including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, logistics, and finance, accelerating these sectors towards achieving quantum advantage.

Kipu Quantum’s CEO, Daniel Volz, stated, “Kipu Quantum’s massively compressed algorithms enable the use of today’s quantum processors across multiple industries to solve industrially sized problems, without waiting a decade for massive quantum computers. Our work with customers such as BASF, DLR, and MasOrange has demonstrated that this is feasible. Making our world-leading algorithm services accessible through the PlanQK platform will make our capabilities available to a much wider audience.”

Michael Falkenthal, lead architect of the PlanQK platform stated, “By merging our deep technical expertise and strengths with Kipu Quantum, we aim to deliver unparalleled value and accelerate access to quantum computing capabilities sooner than anticipated. PlanQK will remain an open, community-driven platform, enhanced by our partnerships and research initiatives to support all quantum innovators. Together, we will facilitate seamless integration of quantum solutions into existing organizational processes, significantly broadening the reach and application of advanced quantum technologies.”