Quantum Machines Opens the Israeli Quantum Computing Center

Industry / Press Release June 26, 2024

TEL AVIV, Israel, June 25, 2024  -- Quantum Machines (QM), the leading provider of processor-based quantum controllers, announced the opening of the Israeli Quantum Computing Center (IQCC), a world-class research facility that will serve the quantum computing industry and academic community in Israel and around the world. The center was built with the financial backing and support of the Israel Innovation Authority and is located at Tel Aviv University.

Dror Bin, CEO of the Israel Innovation Authority: The Israeli Quantum Computing Center marks a significant milestone for our tech sector. It exemplifies the remarkable progress of Israel's quantum computing ecosystem and will serve as a center of excellence not just locally, but on a global scale. We're proud to support this initiative that solidifies Israel's position in the quantum computing race.

Dr. Itamar Sivan, co-founder and CEO of Quantum Machines: The Israeli Quantum Computing Center represents more than technological advancement; it's a testament to our duty to pursue the biggest computing revolution since the invention of the computer itself. By leveraging our excellent talent and global partnerships, we aim to have an impact that goes beyond progress in quantum computing — laying the foundation for Israel's long-term leadership and sovereignty in this critical field.

Ofir Zamir, Senior Director, AI Solution Architecture, NVIDIA: We believe the quantum future is hybrid. The IQCC exemplifies this vision by utilizing the NVIDIA DGX Quantum system – developed in collaboration with Quantum Machines – to integrate CPUs and GPUs with quantum processors. By bridging quantum and classical computing, we're not just advancing technology, we're also cultivating an ecosystem where developers can seamlessly work across these paradigms, positioning Israel at the cutting edge of quantum innovation.

Niv Efron, Senior Director of Engineering at Google: The Israeli Quantum Computing Center represents a crucial convergence of academia, industry, and innovation. Just as we've seen AI tackle previously impossible challenges, quantum computing promises the next exponential leap in problem-solving capabilities. This center could be the cornerstone for groundbreaking collaborations, attracting talent and fostering an ecosystem that positions Israel at the forefront of quantum innovation.

In the global race to develop practical quantum computing, access to cutting-edge facilities is crucial. "All of the world's most advanced quantum computing research facilities are closed or offer very limited access to those outside of their organization. You can't compete if you need to fly halfway around the world for limited access," said Dr. Itamar Sivan, CEO and co-founder of Quantum Machines. "When we thought about what would propel quantum computing forward, we realized that building the most advanced facility in terms of interoperability, modularity, and integration with high-performance computing (HPC) and the cloud was the way to go. Our open architecture approach will ensure that the facility can be continuously upgraded and scaled to stay at the cutting edge, making it an accelerator for the entire ecosystem in Israel and internationally."

The IQCC is a state-of-the-art quantum and HPC center that uniquely integrates the power of quantum and classical computing resources. It is the first in the world to house multiple co-located quantum computers of different qubit types, all utilizing the NVIDIA DGX Quantum system. This offers on-premises supercomputing resources and cloud accessibility, while being tightly integrated with Quantum Machines' processor-based OPX control system. The center also features the world's best-equipped testbed for developing new quantum computing technologies.

The unified DGX Quantum system for integrated quantum supercomputing was co-developed by NVIDIA and Quantum Machines. DGX Quantum implements NVIDIA CUDA-Q, an open-source software platform for integrated quantum-classical computing. The system features a supercomputing cluster headlined by NVIDIA Grace Hopper superchips and also including NVIDIA DGX H100, all connected to AWS cloud platforms for remote access and to leverage additional cloud computing resources. The center also utilizes QM's new OPX1000 controller, designed to enable scaling to 1,000+ qubits.

"Before the IQCC, a developer of a quantum processor chip would need to build their own testing setup, costing millions," said Dr. Yonatan Cohen, CTO and co-founder of Quantum Machines. "Now, researchers can plug their chip into our testbed and benefit from the most advanced setup in the world, leveraging NVIDIA and Quantum Machines hardware to accelerate their development process and reduce costs significantly."

The IQCC is open to researchers and developers of quantum computers from around the world. By providing an open, cutting-edge platform for research and development, Quantum Machines aims to accelerate the progress of practical quantum computing and foster collaborative projects with industry leaders that will drive the field forward. The center is poised to become a destination for companies and researchers worldwide, securing Israel's quantum independence and cementing its position as a leader in the quantum computing revolution.