Zapata AI Publishes Novel Research in PRX Quantum on the Future Potential of Quantum Computing

Technology / Press Release June 19, 2024

BOSTON, June 18, 2024 -- Zapata Computing, Inc. (“Zapata AI”), the Industrial Generative AI company, today announced that its paper on early fault tolerant quantum algorithms has been published in PRX Quantum, a highly selective journal that publishes research with an emphasis on outstanding and lasting impact. The paper, titled “Early Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing” provides a unique, quantitative perspective that bridges the theoretical ideal of fault tolerant quantum computation and the present reality of noisy, imperfect quantum computers. The team argues that the path to scalable fault tolerant quantum computers of the future will likely go through a phase called Early Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing (EFTQC).

“Quantum devices today are noisy and error prone while being on the verge of error correction. Quantum computers of the (distant) future can carry out any amount of error correction needed to keep the computation running. But how we get from here to there while keeping an eye on the usefulness of the quantum devices is still not entirely mapped out,” said Yudong Cao, Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of Zapata AI. “This research charts a path forward beyond the current NISQ era (near-term intermediate-scale quantum) and considers how we can design algorithms that leverage the next generation of quantum devices with some degree of error correction. We believe this new class of EFTQC algorithms will bring us closer to a practical quantum advantage for industrial applications across industries.”

Earlier this week, Zapata AI presented its continued leadership in quantum computing at the Qubits conference, hosted by Zapata AI hardware partner D-Wave Quantum Inc. (“D-Wave”). In a fireside chat hosted by The Boston Globe’s Aaron Pressman, Cao and Chief Revenue Officer Jon Zorio shared how generative AI can be enhanced by quantum computing and quantum-inspired techniques leveraging GPUs, as well as the implications for industrial applications such as drug discovery and other use cases in industries ranging from telecom to financial services.

The published research in PRX Quantum marks the second time this year Zapata AI’s innovative research was published in a prestigious academic journal. The Company also announced that its foundational research on generator-enhanced optimization (GEO) was published in the esteemed Nature Communications.

Cao concluded, “Having research published in premier and highly esteemed research journals like PRX Quantum and Nature Communications demonstrates the quality of our research team, the capabilities of our platform, and the role Zapata AI will play in advancing the cutting edge at the intersection of AI and quantum in a scientifically rigorous manner. Our mission to solve the most complex problems industries face, and we will not stop until we do so.”