QuantWare Part of Consortium to Develop New Superconducting Qubit Technology to Rapidly Scale Quantum Devices

Industry / Press Release May 15, 2024

Delft, May 14th, 2024 -- QuantWare, together with the University of Napoli (UNINA), the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI) in Copenhagen, Qblox and QuantrolOx will investigate a new superconducting qubit technology via an EIC Pathfinder grant. The consortium will develop superconducting qubits based on ferromagnetic Josephson junctions, which can resolve existing bottlenecks in the scalability of superconducting qubit-based quantum computing.

The qubits, called “ferrotransmons”, can greatly reduce the hardware requirements for superconducting QPUs by removing the need for lines to control their qubit frequencies. This reduction in lines per qubit would make it easier to scale up QPUs to higher qubit numbers, which is essential for useful quantum computation. The new technology will be investigated by the University of Napoli and the Niels Bohr Institute, after which QuantWare, QuantrolOx and Qblox will implement the technology into their systems.

“At QuantWare, we are proud to provide the leading pathway to scaling quantum computing”, said Matthijs Rijlaarsdam, CEO at QuantWare. ”QuantWare can now combine two projects to rapidly increase the number of lines of its QPUs - coupling the technology developed within this consortium and our pioneering patented 3D QPU design. ”