Quantum Missions Pilot Competition Winners Announced
March 10, 2025 -- Over £12m has been invested across 10 projects to support the commercialisation and adoption of quantum computing (QC) and quantum networks (QN) projects.
Innovate UK has announced the winners of the Quantum Missions pilot competition.
The funding aims to accelerate the QC and QN technologies by increasing their capabilities and removing technological barriers to their commercialisation and adoption.
Advances in quantum have real-world impact. Quantum computers could deliver computation power beyond the capabilities of the most advanced supercomputers.
The resulting benefits could see breakthroughs in drug discovery, financial portfolio optimisation and the empowering of artificial intelligence (AI).
Developments in QN technologies are critical
As the technology advances and brings benefits, it can also bring risks.
When quantum computers become powerful enough, our sensitive data could be intercepted by bad actors to be decrypted later.
Quantum key distribution (QKD) can address this risk and protect our data from any kind of attacks.
To make QKD more widely available, developments in QN technologies are critical.
World’s most advanced quantum network at scale
Gary Cutts, Executive Director Digital and Technologies, Innovate UK said:
"By 2035, the UK aims to have deployed the world’s most advanced quantum network at scale, pioneering the future quantum internet.
This funding is designed to underpin that ambition and these innovative projects represent a leap forward on this journey – these are exciting and significant advances in the fields of Quantum Computing and Quantum Networks."
Secure UK’s position as a global leader
Roger McKinlay, Challenge Director, Quantum Technologies, Innovate UK said:
"The UK is one of the top countries in the world for creating and attracting quantum companies.
Innovative technologies such as the ones receiving funding in this pilot will help to secure the UK’s position as a global leader in this transformative field."