QUIN Quantum Center of Excellence Releases Its Expert Task Force Report

Press Release August 7, 2024

ARLINGTON, August 06, 2024 -- On July 11, 2024, the Quad Investors Network’s (QUIN) Quantum Center of Excellence published its final report detailing the quantum capabilities of the Quad nations. The report, entitled “Quantum Science & Technology in the QUAD Nations: Landscape and Opportunities,” describes the top challenges each country faces in Quantum Sciences, identifies areas for further exploration and collaboration, and lays out specific actions the QUIN can take to catalyze further advancements in areas of quantum computing, communications, and sensing amongst the Quad Nations.

Quantum Center of Excellence is led by four co-chairs: Dr. Cathy Foley, Chief Scientist of Australia; Prof. Ajay Kumar Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India; Prof. Kiroaki Aihara, Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo; and Dr. Celia Merzbacher, Executive Director Quantum Economic Development Consortium. The findings of the report are based on the results of meetings and workshops between the task force and leading investors, executives, and technologists from Australia, India, Japan, and the United States.

“For this report, quantum leaders from each Quad country have collaborated, understood what each country brings to quantum, and shared the insights needed so we can start to realize the global quantum opportunity,” said Dr. Cathy Foley, Chief Scientist of Australia, and the Australian Co-chair for the Quantum Center of Excellence. “It’s just the beginning of what the QUIN's Quantum Center of Excellence can achieve.”

“With this Report, the Quantum Centre of Excellence and its Task Forces have made an impressive start towards synergizing the strengths of the Quad nations to achieve a global leadership position in Quantum Science and Technology,” said Dr. Ajay Kumar Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister of India, and Indian Co-chair for the Quantum Center of Excellence. “In this very first Report, priority action items have been identified for the Quad Investors Network. I am sure QUIN would follow these up with investors, startups, industry and researchers for definitive outcomes, with the Quantum Center of Excellence and its Task Forces continuing to guide its future course of action.”

The QUIN formed the Quantum Center of Excellence to bring together leaders from the Quad nations who are at the cutting edge of quantum computing, communications, sensing, and ecosystem & workforce development. Members of the task force are charged with devising innovative actions that the QUIN can take to make significant strides in the field of quantum sciences.