Prof Steven Flammia joins to lead Phasecraft's US Office

Business / Press Release May 24, 2024

Phasecraft has announced that Professor Steven Flammia has joined the Phasecraft team as Principal Quantum Scientist and will be leading the company's first office in Washington, D.C.

Steven, Director of Virginia Tech’s Center for Quantum Architecture and former Principal Research Scientist at the AWS Center for Quantum Computing, is one of the world’s top quantum computing researchers, with over 20 years of experience and a focus on theoretical aspects of the field. He has published over 80 research papers with more than 10,000 citations.

Our new US office will allow us to deepen our relationships with some of the world’s top quantum hardware companies, as well as deepen our access to some of the world’s best scientific talent.

Ashley Montanaro (co-founder and CEO) said: “We are thrilled that Steve is joining the Phasecraft team to lead our new US office and our work stateside. We have known Steve for around 20 years and have been great admirers of his work, which is why he was top of our list to be a part of our mission in the US. Having a US presence will allow us to tap into the country’s deep tech talent and deepen our relationships with the world’s top quantum hardware companies as part of our mission to reach practical quantum advantage.”

Steve Flammia said: “I’m delighted to be joining the team at Phasecraft. Few companies have had such an impact in such a short period of time in the quantum algorithms space and it’s a pleasure to have the opportunity to support these efforts in the US. I can’t wait to get started and use my decades of research and development around getting the most out of noisy quantum computers to accelerate the timelines to reaching practical quantum advantage.”

Toby Cubitt (co-founder, CTO and Chief Science Officer) said:“Having Steve on board and heading up our new US office is awesome for us at Phasecraft! It's not only his extensive scientific track record and leadership experience. Steve is one of only a handful of scientists in the field who combine depth of theoretical research ability with the drive to put that theory work in practice on actual quantum hardware. He's the ideal fit for Phasecraft’s mission: to get useful quantum applications running on near-term hardware, sooner than others believe possible.”