IDQ Launches Quantum-Safe Communication Ecosystem to Facilitate Adoption of Quantum Networks

Business / Press Release May 15, 2024

14th May 2024 -- To accommodate the growing demand for telecom-grade solutions that enable fast and cost-effective migration to quantum-safe communications, ID Quantique’s new Clarion KX software platform now supports multi-vendor Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) interoperability. Today, we are pleased to welcome new technology partners: HEQA Security, LuxQuanta, Quantum Optics Jena, and ThinkQuantum to our Clarion KX ecosystem.

IDQ Launches Quantum-Safe Communication Ecosystem to Facilitate Adoption of Quantum Networks

With the looming threat of quantum computers capable of breaking public-key cryptography, the reality of “harvest now, decrypt later” attack poses immediate threat to the confidentiality of enterprise, government, and IT service providers’ data. Organizations worldwide are grappling with the urgency of migrating to quantum-safe infrastructure – the most complex, time-sensitive, and costly cryptographic overhaul in IT history. Stakes are high, as failure to timely employ available mitigation strategies could expose them to significant liabilities.

To fully mitigate the associated risks, organizations are now looking to enforce a defense in depth approach by leveraging both quantum-based and algorithmic technologies at different layers of the network stack. QKD solutions, the key building block of this strategy, have been already recognized to play a critical role in ensuring long term resilience to Quantum threat. With ID Quantique’s expanded ecosystem and open interfaces, customers can now also leverage hybrid QKD networks, including continuous variables (CV) QKD, discrete variables (DV) QKD or Entanglement based QKD.

ID Quantique Clarion KX platform leverages an open and service-based architecture to support a cost-effective scale up of QKD networks. It provides for orchestration and management of out-of-band quantum-key delivery in real time, regardless of the underlying QKD solutions or the location of the consuming encryption appliances. With its support for heterogeneous QKD infrastructure in complex and SLA demanding environments, IDQ’s Clarion KX platform also enables telecom operators to generate new revenue streams by providing new Quantum-Safe as a Service offerings to their B2B customers looking for long-term security assurance.