Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech and HPCNow! Forge partnership to equip supercomputing centers with Qilimanjaro’s quantum computers.

Business / Press Release May 15, 2024

Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, a full-stack quantum computing company, and HPCNow!, a leader in advanced supercomputing services, proudly announce a strategic partnership to equip supercomputing centers with Qilimanjaro’s distinctive Quantum Computers.

The partnership between Qilimanjaro and HPCNow! marks a significant step forward in the convergence of quantum computing and supercomputing technologies. Both companies recognize the symbiotic relationship between the future of quantum computing and supercomputing, paving the way for great advancements in computational capabilities. This partnership has also been motivated by the increasing interest in Europe in equipping High-Performance Computing Centers with the latest quantum computing technologies.

What does this mean for Qilimanjaro? This will take us a step closer to the supercomputing landscape, allowing us to provide market-appropriate solutions that lower the learning curve for new users and customers. Seamlessly integrating quantum resources into the HPC community, we are dedicated to facilitating a seamless transition, minimizing complexities, and fostering widespread adoption of quantum technologies.

Marta Estarellas, CEO of Qilimanjaro: “Through the partnership between HPCNow! and Qilimanjaro, we are not just bridging the gap between quantum computing and HPC centers, but we are pioneering a new frontier where innovation knows no bounds. Together, we are not just transforming HPC centers; we are shaping the future of supercomputers.”

Qilimanjaro’s analog QASIC architecture is designed to provide a faster time-to-market of quantum computing than currently available commercial roadmaps. By integrating our quantum technologies into supercomputing centers, Qilimanjaro and HPCNow! envision unlocking a great computational power to tackle complex real-world problems.

David Tur, CEO of HPCNow!: “Our successful collaboration on a recent project has highlighted the advantages of working together to tackle new challenges. We firmly believe the future of computing is not classical or quantum alone, but a powerful hybrid approach. With its cutting-edge technology, Qilimanjaro is the ideal partner to help our customers achieve quantum readiness.”