Xanadu, University of Toronto and Toronto Metropolitan University Team Up with Hydro-Quebec, Crypto4A, and evolutionQ for a Transformative Smart Grid Project

Applications / Press Release May 5, 2024

Xanadu (xanadu.ai), a world leader in photonic quantum computing is partnering with two leading Canadian universities and several industry partners for a collaborative project to advance research at the intersection of quantum technologies, cybersecurity, deep learning, and smart grids. The project, generously funded through a prestigious joint NSERC Alliance-Mitacs Accelerate grant, has the potential to make substantial contributions to Canada's quantum landscape, addressing critical gaps in training, education, and technology transfer.

The research project involves Dr. Deepa Kundur from the University of Toronto (U of T) as Principal Investigator and Dr. Atefeh (Atty) Mashatan from Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) as Co-Principal Investigator. Industry partners include Hydro-Québec, Crypto4A, and evolutionQ.

Emphasizing quantum technologies, cybersecurity, deep learning, and smart grid applications, the project's primary objectives include the development of advanced algorithms and quantum computing constructs for enhanced data analysis from smart grid devices. Additionally, the collaboration will work towards creating cryptographic solutions for smart grids that are resilient against an attacker who has quantum computing capabilities.

This collaborative initiative facilitates research and development activities that impact academic training, research, and industrial applications related to integrating quantum technologies in operational technology environments. Aligned with Canada's National Quantum Strategy and the National Cyber Security Action Plan, the project takes a crucial step towards a secure transition plan for quantum technology integration in Canadian power systems and other critical infrastructures.

The potential economic and social benefits of more resilient Canadian critical infrastructure are numerous. By investigating quantum machine learning using Xanadu's open-source quantum software library (PennyLane), the teams will explore customized post-quantum cryptography and communication solutions for modern smart grids and similar industrial control infrastructures.

Juliette Peyronnet Dremiere, Xanadu: "We are proud to support researchers in exploring the intersection of quantum technologies and smart grid with PennyLane, Xanadu's open-source quantum library."

Deepa Kundur, University of Toronto: "As we embark on this collaborative quantum research project, our team is dedicated to advancing quantum technologies for cybersecurity in smart grid applications, fostering innovation and preparing the next generation for the quantum revolution."

Atty Mashatan, Toronto Metropolitan University: "This collaboration underscores the importance of bridging academia and industry to drive innovation and address critical challenges in protecting the smart grids against emerging cybersecurity threats such as those enabled by a quantum computer."

Marthe Kassouf, Hydro-Québec: "At the Hydro-Quebec Research Institute (IREQ), we have been working consistently to develop innovative research strategies for the enhancement of power grid cybersecurity. This collaboration represents a significant leap forward in harnessing quantum technologies for the betterment of our critical infrastructures."

Brian Neill, evolutionQ: "Quantum technologies have the potential to revolutionize cybersecurity, and this project is a testament to our collective commitment to advancing this field."

Bruno Couillard, Crypto4A: "This project highlights the importance of migrating our cybersecurity technologies to a quantum ready state in advance of the fast-approaching quantum era, especially when it comes to our critical infrastructures."