FAPESP Announce Call for Proposals for QuTIa Program

Industry April 10, 2024

April 8, 2024 -- The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announces the first call for proposals for the Program in Quantum Technologies QuTIa (Quantum Technologies Initiative). The deadline for submission of pre-proposal is June 3, 2024.

The new QuTIa Program aims to promote the development of an ecosystem of quantum technologies essential to boost the scientific and technological leadership of São Paulo and Brazil in multiple areas of knowledge. The program aims to promote the progress of quantum technologies, including sensors, communications, and quantum computing, and to establish São Paulo as a strong player in this area. Additionally, the program aims to boost the development of startups and attract global investment and talent to the region.

With this call for proposals, FAPESP wants to bring in up to five researchers who are early in their careers and excel in their specific fields of knowledge. Proposals will be received under FAPESP's Young Investigator Grant category.

In the call, priority will be given to proposals from researchers working abroad who wish to start a research career at a research institution located in the State of São Paulo. It seeks to stimulate the creation of opportunities, under internationally competitive conditions, for young researchers with exceptional research backgrounds.

Proponents need to demonstrate achievements after their doctorate research that indicate leadership capacity and great potential for nucleation of new research groups working with modern aspects of quantum technologies. A clear international insertion is important, along with an impact on the ongoing research at São Paulo State. Priority is given to topics not yet covered by researchers in the state or that complement themes already being explored.

It is also expected that the research projects foster the formation of highly qualified human resources, with students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and postdoctoral fellows pursuing high quality and impactful research. Partnerships with companies may also be considered if they are dedicated to the scientific theme of the project.