Qanova Receives New Quantum Innogrant at EPFL

Business / Press Release November 4, 2024

November 01, 2024 -- Qanova Tech – a startup coming from ETH and EPFL – has been awarded a CHF100,000 EFPL Quantum Innogrant grant to help accelerate its journey to market. Led by Dr. Simone Frasca, this startup is a collaboration between the laboratories of Professor Wallraff and Professor Scarlino.

Quantum computing has been heralded as the biggest technological advances of our time – one that might help us solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. It has the potential to revolutionize many fields, from simulating how molecules behave for drug development, to managing supply chains. By quickly analysing multiple possibilities, quantum computers can find the best solutions much faster than traditional computers.

There are challenges with quantum computing, however, particularly when it comes to handling and reading out these very small signals during their operation. First, regarding signal amplification, existing amplifiers generate a non-negligible amount of noise and can be limited to specific frequency ranges – reducing the accuracy of the quantum calculations. Secondly, the packaging (how the parts of the quantum computer are physically arranged and protected) is highly complex and requires specialised engineering. Researchers often spend a lot of time solving these engineering problems, instead of focusing on their experiments.

Qanova Tech’s goal is to address these issues by producing TWPAs (Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifiers) which introduce the minimal amount of noise allowed by the laws of quantum physics, and developing multipurpose packaging solution based on the several years of experience in the field. This allows researchers to work with clearer, more precise signals. The amplifiers are also more versatile, functioning across a range of frequencies, making them suitable for many different experiments and setups. Qanova Tech’s goal is to allow effortless system integration to ensure researchers involved in the quantum race spend their time advancing quantum technology.

Qanova Tech will use their grant to focus on business development, securing new partnerships, and refining their market strategy.