IQM Breakthrough: Achieved 99.9% Fidelity for Two-Qubit Gates and 1 Millisecond Coherence Time

IQM Quantum Computers, a developer of quantum computers, has achieved an important milestone in the field of superconducting quantum computing. The company has demonstrated improvements in two key metrics used to determine the quality of quantum computers. By demonstrating a fidelity of approximately 99.91% for the CZ gate between two qubits, the company achieved a record-low error rate for two-qubit operations. In addition, its qubit relaxation time T1 reached approximately 0.964 milliseconds, and the dephasing time T2 echo was approximately 1.155 milliseconds. These data indicate that IQM's qubit device has the most advanced coherence time lifetime and high-fidelity two-qubit gate quality.

