EuroHPC JU Has Signed a €12.28 Million Procurement Contract With AQT for the Ion Trap Quantum Computer

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) recently announced that it has signed a procurement contract with quantum computer supplier AQT to install a EuroHPC quantum computer named EuroQCS-Poland at the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) in Poland. This computer is a digital, gate-based quantum computer with more than 20 physical qubits based on trapped ions, and it will be integrated into the local HPC infrastructure of PSNC. It is understood that the total procurement cost is 12.28 million euros, and EuroHPC JU will fund 50% of the cost, while the remaining 50% will be funded by the Ministry of Digital Affairs of Poland. The installation of the system will start in the middle of 2025.

